Describe line graph example

Line graphs can be used to show how information or data change over time. They have an x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical). Usually the x-axis shows the time period and the y-axis shows what is being measured.

Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises .

Put the sentences in the correct order to describe the graph. Learn how to describe a line graph for IELTS writing task 1. However, this answer will provide you will an example of vocabulary, layout and general content. will always vary . IELTS Line Graph Examples - view sample graphs to help you prepare for the. Here is an example : This graph shows population change in Denmark . In this lesson you will learn how to describe a line graph in IELTS.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: line graph - IELTS-up ielts-up.

This graph is a good example of a situation when students get confuse thinking there is not enough . Sentence – A brief description of the graphic. And this is an example of what you could write:. Describing Line Graphs (1)Look at the following simple line graph :It. For example , in a chronological line graph it might seem sensible to describe the.

Listen to our tutorial that will teach you how to describe a line graph in your ielts academic task 1. Subscribe for more. This example could have also been produced as a bar graph. We will need a legend to explain the coding scheme.

List with phrases to describe charts. Listed above is a great image for Double Line Graph Examples. Statistics: How to use Line Graphs to represent data, how to create line graphs , how to interpret line graphs , examples and step by step solutions. The pie chart is about. Line Graphs This video describes why we use line graphs and how to read and interpret them.

Title: tells about the data for each line graph is plotted. A student might also start . Body paragraph 2: Describe the second grouping of lines having similar trends or values.

Temperatures in New York City. IELTS line graph : Explore how to describe a line graph in IELTS academic writing task. In this, you are expected to explain the data in the form of line graphs. Some top tips, a lesson plan and a student worksheet about describing data- line graphs to help with the writing component of the IELTS exam. What features of a line graph do you need to describe ? Tell students to work in small groups and discuss the questions.

Elicit one or two examples from students. VIDEO: Small talk advice - new method explained with examples.


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