Describing maps task 1

Describing maps task 1

Key vocabulary to use for describing maps. Example sentences: Note that the grammar used to describe changes is in the passive. This lesson gives vocabulary and. One of the task you might need to do for Academic writing . Illustrated maps are one form of visual data that you may be presented with for this task. You should spend about minutes on this task.

Describing maps task 1

Describing general changes. Over the perio the area witnessed dramatic changes. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more.

We are just describing the major features that are very obvious in the pictures. Learn how to use a mind map to generate ideas for Task 2. Practise supporting . Map of Brandfield with two proposed sites for a shopping mall. About this live lesson. You will have the opportunity . Summarise the information . IELTS task : interactive exercises . You are required to study the Table for seconds and give your answer in 40 . The map below is of . FOR the following, Imagine the question is to describe Springfield Primary school NOW (first map ) and the proposed changes (second map ) as in . Writing task : Map.

Describing maps task 1

In this type , you will write a 1word-paragraph to describe the map. So, here is a structure to be used in describing a task map , chart, graph or table , including the one we have here : PARAGRAPH 1. Introduction, writing an Overview and describing information accurately. There are always some words you cannot change, e. See answer strategy, tips and examples. Present irrelevant . Ielts writing task : how to describe a line graph and a bar graph (academic).

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. If one of the maps is a future map , use a future tense to describe it. Lines of shops and fish market situating in the south of the village, near one of the main roads which are.

Tuy nhiên dạng bài Maps đang ngày càng trở nên phổ biến và thực tế là nó đã. Rule : Use present simple to write about the graphic in the introduction and about processes. Choose the best sentence to describe the two maps.

So, you need to describe everything? We could describe the developments that took place other than the map or .
