Yarn version
To use this comman first install the version plugin: yarn plugin import version. Apply a new version to the current package. Check that all the relevant packages have been . May js and its dependencies. The yarn version command will update the package version. When you run the yarn . Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. Yarn resolves mismatched versions of dependencies to a single version to avoid creating duplicates. Otherwise, it will use you a globally set version of yarn. Manually managing different yarn versions across projects is a pain. The default Yarn version for building sites is now 1. You can set a YARN_VERSION environment variable to use any specific version, otherwise the default . Prints the YARN version. Syntax yarn version Output $ yarn version Hadoop 2. Written by Rhys Arkins. Yarn is a popular package manager that lets you reliably install . Introducing Yarn ! Jan Which version should I use? Yarn now facilitates the maintenance o...