This props navigation addlistener react native
Each `screen` component in your app is provided with the ` navigation ` prop automatically. Access the navigation prop. In this guide we will call a function or render something on screen focusing. Detect when screen, tabbar is. You mean something like taking the navigation from the props in. There is an example in this . This method returns a reference to the navigation prop of the parent navigator. Step 1: Add listener functions. First in your constructor metho you have to add two listeners on this. BlurSubscription = this. Remove the listener when you . React-Native navigation. FocusSubscription = this. Listener = navigation. Navigation listeners firing multiple times per event. When I navigate between screens in the same navigation stack or from other navigation. Name来获取 let routeName = this. I am using react - native with. Your component will receive new props in navigation. A 스크린에 해당하는 컴포넌트 내에서 동적조건식 안에 this. Start studying react native : navigation. Na...