Js cookie cross domain
Setting cookie for different domain from javascript. Cookie is not shared among different browsers. As per HTTP protocol, size of the cookies cannot be greater than 4KB. Number of cookies sent by web server for a given domain cannot be unlimited. The only way to protect the cookie is by using a different domain or. Lax : The cookie is withheld on cross - site subrequests, such as calls to . To understand how it . Reading from document. Writing to document. This post is all about sending cookies with cross origin resource sharing (cors) requset. Tagged with javascript , php, xhr, cors. XSS — Cross site scripting. We all use CDN all the time. You could create a . Cross - origin resource sharing (or CORS) can be used to make AJAX. We send the session cookie , the application verifies it against a list of active sessions. My cookie will not be read by . This solution is dependent on the use of third-party cookies. Cross - domain consent allows brands and organizat...